

Oct 26

Session proposal: accessible tools and methods for DH work

I’m interested in talking about accessible tools for DH work: how to use digital tools more accessibly and exploring more accessible alternatives.

If anyone else is interested in exploring this during THATCamp Accessibility, I’m thinking we could go about it in a number of different ways. For example, we could talk informally and make notes, or, if we want to make it more of a working session, we could create a resource for accessible DH work.

If we go the “make something” route, perhaps we could create a list of (ten?) frequently-used tools and compile information about their accessibility along with suggestions on how to use them in a more accessible manner and/or more accessible alternatives. Or, we could identify a set of DH-related needs/tasks (data visualization, dynamic mapping, etc.) and brainstorm accessible tools and methods for meeting these needs/accomplishing these tasks. We could generate our own lists of tools and tasks or draw on an existing resource like Bamboo DiRT or the Research + Tools section of the CHNM website.

A couple of caveats: This discussion might best be facilitated by another attendee. I’m attending virtually and, while I serve as a resource for the digital humanities center in my library, I’m not a digital humanist/digital humanities practitioner, so others probably have a better understanding of existing resources and the needs of the community.

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